
Extended Care at the Preschool

Extended Care for Preschool children takes place in the Preschool building.

Children, who are enrolled in the afternoon program and need to stay longer, can go to Extended Care on Monday through Friday from 3:00 pm to 4:45 pm.

This fee-based program offers the following:  traditional games, crafts, dancing, puppet theater, preschool playground (weather permitting), and - if needed - also rest periods, etc.  We might take a small tour of the grounds of the GISW, and visit, e.g. the Preschool library, or the soccer field.

Extended Care PLUS:

As in past school years, we are offering the Extended PLUS program, which is designed for early release days.

This offer is for all children who are signed up for the regular Extended Care program.

On early release days, the children will meet when the school day ends at 1:30 pm, and will be cared for until 4:45 pm.

Timely Pick-Up

The program ends at 4:45 pm (pick-up time 4:45 pm to 5:00 pm).  The back entrance will be open from 4:45 pm to 5:00 pm.

If you have any questions about the Preschool Extended Care program, please contact Ms. Sandra Martin at smartin@giswashington.org.